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  1. Introductions

    Introduce yourself to Pimped Pixels's members in here!

    • Mr. GoodKat
  2. General Discussion

    Chat about anything you like in here [NO SPAM!]


About Us

Pimped Pixels was founded in 2010 by Maniak, Asura, Cliffbuck and Evilangel. Shortly afterwards Mikey jumped onboard and joined the team. We are a group of friends with a passion for art and a need to help others by sharing. The site started with just the four and in a short while grew to a community of over 4000 members. Everyone is welcome here, from complete beginners to all out professionals. We have something for everyone. Our aim is to give everyone with the "bug" a place to learn, make friends and share their passion.

Congratulations to iEatB4breakfast for winning this weeks SOTW
  • iEatB4breakfast
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